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Harnessing Networking Power: LinkedIn and Beyond

Today networking has transcended geographical boundaries, LinkedIn has emerged as the quintessential platform for professionals seeking to broaden their horizons. You can now make meaningful connections, and propel your careers. Yet, one aspect of LinkedIn often overlooked is its incredible potential for connecting with university alumni. This is a resource that significantly boosts your career prospects.

Why Network with Alumni on LinkedIn?
  • Shared Academic Bond: University alumni share a common academic background, making it easier to establish a connection. This shared experience forms a strong foundation for building relationships.
  • Professional Insights: Alumni who have ventured into your desired field can provide invaluable insights and guidance. They've walked the path you aspire to tread and can offer practical advice.
  • Expanded Opportunities: By connecting with alumni, you gain access to a network of their connections as well. This expansive reach can open doors to job opportunities, internships, or collaborations you might have otherwise missed.
The Secret to Successful Alumni Networking

Successful alumni networking on LinkedIn is more than just sending connection requests and having a long list of contacts. It's about fostering genuine relationships and demonstrating a commitment to giving, not just receiving. Personalise Connection Requests: When reaching out to alumni, avoid generic messages. Personalize your connection request by mentioning your common university or a shared interest. Engage Actively: Don't just collect connections; engage with your alumni network. Share relevant content, comment on their posts, and participate in discussions. Express Gratitude: If an alumnus offers you advice, guidance, or assistance, express your gratitude. A little courtesy goes a long way. Give Back: Networking is a two-way street. Offer your assistance and insights when possible. You never know when your expertise might be of help to an alumnus.

Navigating LinkedIn for Alumni Networking

LinkedIn is a vast platform, and finding the right alumni to connect with can be daunting. Here's how to navigate it effectively: Use University Pages: Most universities have official LinkedIn pages where you can find a list of alumni. Explore your university's page to identify potential connections. Search Filters: Utilize LinkedIn's search filters. You can filter by location, industry, or even specific companies to find relevant alumni. University Groups: Many universities have LinkedIn groups for alumni. Joining these groups can be an excellent way to connect with former students. Alumni Association: If your university has an alumni association, check if they have a LinkedIn presence. They often share updates and host alumni events.

Swarrnim: Ace Alumni Meets and More

Not only is it key to be a part of alumni meets yourself, but being aware of which alumni meets take place in a university is crucial to the future of your network. The choice of a university with a strong alumni that meets, greets and aids you can be a motivating factor that supports your future. While LinkedIn is a goldmine for such career growth, meets and greets are often steps to creating meaningful relationships. The Alumni meets at Swarrnim Startup and Innovation University happen indifferent of physical locations too. E-meets and physical meets enable connectivity and networking and are truly a game changer for anyone with aspirations of network building. More Than Just Meets Alumni meets are more than just reunions. These are testaments to the enduring relationship between a university and its graduates. These events offer a unique chance for current students to learn from the experiences of those who have walked the same academic halls. They have also ventured into the professional world. Alumni can serve as mentors who provide practical advice and a realistic perspective on various careers. The ability to connect and learn from those who have already navigated the professional landscape is crucial. It fosters a sense of community and ensures that the knowledge and the spirit of the university continue to thrive.It builds a legacy you can call your own. Having said that, it is always a great choice to reach out to seniors and other alumni members from your own institution. Network building is a skill that gets better with practice and has immense potential to help your professional journey.