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What Vocal For Local Means For Rural Startups And Businesses

With the change in the decade, the motivation for the local manufacturing and production units in India has gone up by a notch. Powered by the initiative of Vocal for Local, local manufacturers have already begun to cash in the benefits of local promotion that they are receiving. However, being an entrepreneur in India does not only mean that you are living in tier 1 or 2 cities and have a huge office of your own.

Much of what we enjoy on a daily basis, including our food, falls into rural production. It is a known fact that there are just as many secondary and tertiary level industries in the rural areas of our country as there are huge production plants in urban developments around the country. And the vocal for local initiative is just as much dedicated to these rural start-ups as it is dedicated to primary and secondary level manufacturers.

The question is, how will this initiative change and transform the way rural businesses operate in India? Will it bring everything to the same global level as is the aim of urban factories? Here is a look at how Vocal for Local will affect the rural start-ups of India.

Impact of Vocal for Local on Rural Startups

  • Skill
    With businesses up-scaling and finding better solutions to everyday problems, there is a raising need for skilled personnel to perform tasks. For rural businesses that are targeting the need for locally produced quality products, skills will become an important factor in catering to these needs. Vocal for Local will increase the demand and skill will be the one factor to aid in the supply.
  • Jobs
    Vocal for Local is not just about increasing the manufacturing capacity of the country, but also about positioning the young business owners of India as employment generators. With rural industries getting a significant boost from the programme, it will give rise to employment. This, combined with skill-based training, will enhance the employability of the youth in rural areas.
  • Capital
    Vocal for Local means buying from local producers, which will certainly boost their sales. However, the deeper impact of the situation will be an increase in the capital and cash flow into rural areas. Instead of the chosen few businesses in the cities, the money will become a lot more decentralised in rural areas as well.
  • Infrastructure
    More money would mean better infrastructure. Businesses often keep a separate fund for expansions and infrastructure enhancements, which is something that most secondary and tertiary level manufacturers really need right now. Improvements in infrastructure would also bring a higher level of quality to the fold, which is the ultimate aim of the entire Vocal for Local initiative.
  • Quality of Life
    The overall effect of all these factors combined would mean an improved quality of life in rural areas. Skilled personnel who is employed, has the capital needed to invest in their business and develop the necessary infrastructure for his/her business is surely going to eventually improve their quality of life. With demands increasing, this quality will continue to rise as prosperity enters into our lives.

Vocal for Local, as an initiative, is meant to cater to all budding businesses in the country, and thus, will only be successful if all sectors of India can become self-reliant and self-sufficient. As the top Private University in Ahmedabad for startup and innovation, Swarrnim University has been playing a significant role in educating the youth about entrepreneurship. Get in touch with our experts for admissions and incubation information.